Tuesday, July 26, 2011

For those who prayed...

I know many of you were praying for Kelsea and I this weekend as we both were trying to raise the last bit of support. I'm grateful for every prayer that was breathed from hearts of gratitude and spirits of faith.

You see, I've been learning that "eucharisteo precedes the miracle." Thankfulness always, always precedes the miracle. And when we pray with thankfulness for who God is, for what we already have, and with gratitude in our hearts for what we know He will do... miracles happen!

After this weekend, Kelsea is 100% supported! What an incredible testament to all of our prayers. I am so thankful!

I still have $441 to go.

I have opened a new "store" on my blog with photos taken in Uganda, Mali, and Swaziland. They come in 5x7 or 8x10 sizes and are ready for framing! Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email with your order! All proceeds will go toward my time in Uganda.

And most importantly, please continue to pray! With thankfulness, gratitude, and faith. Because eucharisteo always preceeds the miracle.

1 comment :

  1. You're almost there! Every time I look your number seems to have gone up. Praying for you to get to 100% very soon!
