Friday, July 22, 2011


And having chosen them, he called them to come to him...
Romans 8:30

I don't really know why I'm going to Uganda for a year.

I'm going because I felt more at home in Uganda than I have anywhere else
...because I fell deeply in love with the people there
...because my worldview was changed and my heart has never been the same
...because there are people in Uganda that need to know the saving love and amazing grace of Jesus
...because hardly a single day went by in the past 3 years that I didn't think about Uganda, and it just makes sense that I'm going back
...because I desire to use my gifts and talents to serve where they are needed

But I don't really know why I'm going.
It's certainly not because I'm the "adventurous" type. I don't seek thrills nor do I tend to take risks.

I'm going back to Uganda. I always knew I would. But why?
I don't have the answer for this question yet, but I'm sure that bits and pieces of it will be revealed to me over the course of the year. It's a strange feeling to be walking into the unknown on so many levels, but I couldn't be more at peace. My life is truly not my own. I belong to God, and this is the passion and desire that He has grown in me and the ministry that He has called me to at this point in my life... to serve in Uganda and encourage others to seek God and follow hard after Him!

I'm also sure that God is taking me to Uganda because he wants to teach me and show me things that I can learn and understand best while living there. I have no doubt that I will grow in my faith and deepen my relationship with Jesus in important ways. I will be challenged. Stretched. Grown. Redeemed.

God chose me to go to Uganda. I don't know why yet, but I have responded, and he is now calling me to simply come to him. The rest will fall into place at the fullness of time.

i'm so satisfied
at the thought of You
growing up in me...
i have found the answer is
to love You and be loved by You alone

-Shane and Shane

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