Saturday, July 20, 2013

ABO is...

...30 adults and 25 children from the United States, Canada, South Africa, Namibia, and South Korea. at Scott Christian University in Machakos, Kenya for three weeks.

...sharing dorm rooms.

...showers that have been described as two temperatures: surface of the sun or the arctic circle.

...long days of sitting and learning about crossing culture and effectively building relationships in our new contexts.

...making new friends who will serve all over Africa.

...getting out into the community to practice what we've learned.

...certainty of God's sovereign power, becoming a belonger in your community; language learning for a lifetime; becoming a life-long learner; becoming a part of the AIM family.

1 comment :

  1. that is so not what my dorm room looks like. or rather, it is exactly what it looks like plus a tornado. :)

    can't imagine these three weeks without you. you're so much light, my friend.
