Friday, April 27, 2012

Rays of Sunshine

Meet my dear friend, Laura. She is an incredible woman who was so graciously and completely saved by the Lord over 20 years ago. She now lives to bring glory to her Father in heaven and to be obedient to Him alone.

Do you see that adorable, charming boy with her? That is another precious friend, James. He just turned one and is so blessed to have lived with Laura since he was 6 months old. By God's mercy, she literally saved his life.

Laura has a heart for the many, many abandoned babies in Uganda and has been doing foster care, even before it had this official title, for more than three decades. Besides raising her own five children, she has cared for and loved many other orphans as if they were her very own. At one point she had 15 children living in her home! 

She loves James with her whole heart, and who couldn't love his infectious giggle, sweet snuggles, and serious manner of babbling all sorts of knowledge to you? Laura dreams of caring for more babies in the near future and has told me many times "God has given me the vision, and he will give me provision." She trusts in God's timing and in His faithfulness to meet each and every one of our needs.

I feel honored and blessed beyond belief to have these two in my life! The first time I met Laura, I spent hours at her house chatting, playing with James, and sharing our lives and stories with each other. And do you know what I discovered? That my heart also lives inside this 60-something-year-old, Ugandan woman! We are so much alike in our desires and cares and hopes and dreams.
She is full of wisdom and incredible stories.
Full of grace and compassion.
A servant's heart that is overflowing with joy and determination.
And deep love.

I look forward to the times we sit together "talking about nothing and everything," as Laura says.
I look forward to the moment when James wakes up from his nap and comes toddling out of the bedroom with outstretched arms to be held.
When he sits to drink his milk but keeps one eye on me the whole time making sure I'm not going anywhere. When he laughs and laughs and then leans in with his entire body for a hug.
When she tells me about her life and experiences.
When she confides in me.

Those are the moments when my heart overflows with gratitude for the genuine friendships God provides, the mutual encouragement found in those relationships, and the hope for great changes in Uganda for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.

And for incredibly cute babies :)

1 comment :

  1. Always enjoy checking in to read your posts... You have a gift for sharing your life and ministry that makes me feel like I am there with you! May God continue to bless you and your work! With love from Mexico from old friends of your parents!
