Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. Psalm 96:3

Check out the fundraising thermometer on the right hand side of my blog! This week you all helped me reach the 85% supported mark! What a huge accomplishment.
I have believed from the beginning of this process that I would be fully supported before I left for Uganda, and even though I have no idea where the final 15% ($2,226) will come from, I still do believe!

Francis Chan said in his book Forgotten God (which I would highly recommend):
God delights in showing up when His people are in desperate need of Him, because that means that no one else can steal His Glory.

I'm raising financial support for reasons so much bigger than just supporting myself. I'm honored to be partnering with Africa Inland Mission, an organization with 600 missionaries working in 22 African countries who are fully committed to reaching the unreached and making disciples among all nations.
By being fully supported, I will be able to serve in Mbarara for an entire year. During that year I will have opportunities to teach and minister to Ugandan children, disciple teen girls, help teach the full-term missionary children who are home schooled, build relationships with those in the community, and much more! I will also learn how to be a support and encouragement to the full-term missionaries so that they can continue to serve and minister effectively and faithfully.

Raising support isn't just about meeting my needs in the coming year. It's about meeting the needs of others for eternity.

Please, please continue to pray that the last bit of support would come. This is not a task that I could ever do on my own, but rather it is an opportunity for God remind us of His glory, provision, and faithfulness as we look to Him with great expectancy!

P.S. Please share my blog with anyone who you think would be interested in following me in this journey!

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