Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Need Africa More than Africa Needs Me

This video so profoundly captures a piece of the great mystery surrounding Africa.
It puts into words one of the many reasons that I was so drawn to Uganda and its people.
It helps explain why I have never been able to "shake" the feelings and memories of my time there.
It gives a glimpse into why going to Uganda was such a redeeming experience for me.
It shares a piece of my heart.

You see, there is so much need in Uganda, and I have been blessed with so very much. I know that I have been called to give with the life that I have been given, but I learned a valuable lesson when I visited in 2008. I learned that although Uganda has a devastating and heart-wrenching history filled with unimaginable pain and grief, they are not a broken people. In fact, they are some of the most joyful and beautiful people I've met in my life! God has truly done a work and turned their mouring into dancing! The people of Uganda are strong. They are resilient. They are hopeful. They are faith-filled.

Yes, there is much work to be done, and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to use my talents, skills, and passions to help meet the needs of the littlest ones in Uganda. Yet I cannot agree more... I need Africa more than Africa needs me.

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