Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Name is Nimusiima

 Proper names are poetry in the raw.  Like all poetry they are untranslatable. 
 - W.H. Auden
Words have meaning and names have power. 
My name is Nimusiima. It means "I am thankful."

This is the African name given to me by my friend, Sophie. I think it's beautiful, and I think that people tend live up to their name and their name's meaning whether they realize it or not.

If names are not correct, language will not be in accordance with the truth of things. 
- Confucius

Nimusiima. I certainly am thankful to God and deeply grateful for all that He's done in my life. A lesson I was learning this summer is that thankfulness always preceeds the miracle. A heart of gratitude bowed before the Lord is essential in seeing the miraculous works of God.

Although this name was just given to me, I am thankful. And now that it's my name, I pray that thankfulness will become a part of who I always am. I so desire to live up to this name!

I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalms 9:1

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