Monday, March 4, 2013

In Their Words

The Other Side of Missions | Bring Love In
"...being on a mission, and spreading the love of God to those in need often looks more like a business plan than you would think."

The Aim of Language Learning | Rachel Pieh Jones
"Language learning is hard, so hard that the best advice I’ve heard is: 'Anyone who wants to learn a language well must have a solid theology of suffering.'”

Sexual Abuse on the Mission Field | A Life Overseas

"Sexual abuse of children is a complicated issue world wide. In certain cultures it is endemic. Kids being raised in a second or new culture are at an increased risk."

Red Flags Wave Over Uganda's Adoption Boom | CNN 

"...there is no word for 'adoption' in the local Luganda language. Many birth parents do not understand that adoption is permanent. They believe they may get their children back later." 

MERCY mercy | Fridthjof Film Doc
"Mercy Mercy raises important questions about the ethical and political implications of international adoption, and watching it is a both heartbreaking and heartwarming experience."

(Full length version of the film can be found here.)

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