Sunday, November 25, 2012

I'm So Glad You Asked

In light of my recent acceptance with AIM, I have had many people wanting to know more about what that means for me. Here is a quick overview of some of the most frequently asked questions. I would love to share more details with you in person, though! Or please feel free to comment with any other questions you might have.

Are you going back to the same place?
Yes. My desire is to return to Mbarara, Uganda.

Will you be with the same people?
Some of the same team mates will still be there. Others have moved on. But there are many other missionaries and locals in our community that I'm looking forward to being with again!

Will you be teaching? 
Not in the sense that you're probably imagining. I don't plan on teaching children in a classroom as I was before. My desire is to disciple single, young women in University who are pregnant or have an infant or toddler.

What will that look like?
Some possibilities include: Working with the local church to provide child care while the mothers are in classes, training Ugandan women in providing quality child care, offering parent education (teaching basic child development, parenting skills, health/safety/nutrition, etc.), and biblical discipleship.

Please ask me about this. I'd love to share more with you!

When will you leave?
AIM sends out full-term missionaries four times a year. My desire is to leave in July 2013, but I must be fully supported before I can leave.

How long will you be there?
Members of our team are encouraged to serve two-year terms with a four-month furlough. So I plan on being there for two years, for now.

Will you come home during that time?
Probably not. Compassionate leave is available, if needed, but a visit home is not in my budget. Visitors are always welcome though!

Do you have to fundraise? 
No. AIM does not promote or encourage fundraising.
We are support-raising, though. "Information, without solicitation."
Although this might seem like splitting hairs to you, there is a big difference. My desire is to have a team of supporters who'll join with me now and into the future. Supporters can give financially, be prayer partners, and/or help me network with other individuals or churches. We're all on a team together working for His kingdom!

How much do you need to raise?
$12,293 outgoing (one-time) expenses
$2,151 monthly for two years

How can I give?
Checks made out to "Africa Inland Mission" can be mailed to me at my Iowa City home address (e-mail me or comment if you need it).
Or even better...
Use AIM's on-line system where you can quickly and easily set up monthly or one-time gifts.

As always, I'm so thankful for you!
Those of you who I've known my whole life and those of you I look forward to meeting someday...
I couldn't do it without your encouragement and support! I am blessed to have you along for the journey.

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