The purpose of this type of prayer is to keep our mind focused on Christ throughout the day. A short prayer, corresponding to our breath, invites us to "pray without ceasing." We breathe continually, so let's pray continually.
The idea that breath can be prayer... It couldn't be more biblical.
Our breath, our prayers, are the name of God Himself after all.
Let me explain. Or, rather, I'll let the rabbi explain:
“The letters of the name of God in Hebrew… are infrequently pronounced Yahweh. But in truth they are inutterable….
This word {YHWH} is the sound of breathing.
The holiest name in the world, the Name of Creator, is the sound of your own breathing. That these letters are unpronounceable is no accident. Just as it is no accident that they are also the root letters of the Hebrew verb ‘to be’… God’s name is name of Being itself.”
~Rabbi Lawrence Kushner
To correctly pronounce the consonants, YHWH, doesn't allow you to close your lips or use your tongue.
This is no mistake.
It imitates the sound of inhalation and exhalation.
The sacred name cannot be spoken. It can only be breathed.
Humanity was created from the very breath of God. A pile of dust, filled with the life-giving pneuma, became man.
And then, one by one, we each entered creation. We inhaled life, experiencing the cold, bright reality of this world for the first time. And then, because we are made in His image, the first word any of us ever spoke was the name of God. Exhale.
We breathe in. He gives us life.
We breathe out, the simplest prayer of gratitude. The most basic form of praise.
Breath. Life. Praise. The cyclical ventilation of the soul.
This is praying without ceasing.
A name too holy to voice. It can only be breathed.
So keep breathing.
Keep praying.
And keep praising
"Hallelujah! Name above all.
Simply to speak Your name is praise."
"Rising Sun," All Sons & Daughters
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